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distribution probability中文是什么意思

用"distribution probability"造句"distribution probability"怎么读"distribution probability" in a sentence


  • 分布概率


  • Binomial distribution probability
  • Speech separation algorithm based on laplace normal mixture distribution probability density function estimation
  • The application of statistics function of excel may simplify complicated binomial distribution probability counting and normal distribution probability counting , and at the sme time , many statistics functions can be connected together with some counting signs to make statistics analysis process which can be applied to much more complicated statistics counting and analysis
  • Slice - imagings interpolation can creat new slices . this dissertation presents a gray - level matching interpolation method based on object gray - level distribution probability knowlege , through which we can get more clear scene at the boundary between different matters than that in traditional interpolation methods . with respect to non - similar shapes or no superposition of corresponded contours on adjacent slices and concave contours , this dissertation introduces a method based on variant shape - based interpolation
  • Therefore , when the student information is returned , the model can update all the item distribution probabilities with the help of self - study ability of the bayesian networks . finally , accurate testing of the mastery of new knowledge is fulfilled , as a result , the teaching and learning procedure is individuated
  • Abstract : based on the statistical characteristics of chinese maximal noun phrases ( mnps ) in a chinese corpus with 5 573 sentences , two efficient identifying algorithms for chinese mnps : ( 1 ) to identify mnps by using boundary distribution probabilities ; ( 2 ) to identify mnps by using internal structure rules , are proposed in this paper . experimental results show better performances : precision 85 . 4 % and recall 82 . 3 % , by using identifying algorithm ( 2 )
    文摘:通过对包含5573个汉语句子的语料文本中的最长名词短语的分布特点的统计分析,提出了两种有效的汉语最长名词短语自动识别算法:基于边界分布概率的识别算法和基于内部结构组合的识别算法.实验结果显示,后者的识别正确率和召回率分别达到了85 . 4 %和82 . 3 % ,取得了较好的自动识别效果
用"distribution probability"造句  
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